
ASL has embraced Quality Management System since the start of its operations; documented procedures already existed and the company used the ISO 9001 model for implementation of a quality management system. Since 2002, the company has been certified ISO 9001 and has continually maintained certification yearly and embraced the new requirement of the ISO 9001: 2015 related to the process and risks based approach.
- Maintenance and Improvement of customer satisfaction
- Better process integration
- Engagement of employees and stakeholders
- Create and maintain a continual improvement culture
The Company’s activities do not have a major negative impact on environment. Being conscious that every step, even small ones, matters, the Company constantly tries to reduce its carbon footprint over time. In that respect, the Company wishes to thank its shareholders who agreed to contribute to this endeavour by accepting to support the Board’s decision to provide the Company’s annual report in electronic format. Other shareholders are encouraged to follow the same path. Shareholders wishing to encourage this initiative are invited to contact the Share Registry and Transfer Office at ECS Secretaries Ltd on the 2121998.
Furthermore, the Company is committed to a green type of sustainability and to a reduction of adverse environmental impact, as part of its long-term strategy for sustained growth.
The Company has taken the following measures in 2018 to reduce its power consumption:
- The Company promotes online paperless betting and for physically placed bets, works with Topco for the production of thermal paper rolls. Topco import their raw materials from the Koehler Paper Group (ISO14001) based in Germany and the Koehler group is committed to environment protection;
- New DC drive Air Conditioning units with lower power consumption have replaced the previous models;
- Some mercury based fluorescent lamps have been replaced by LED low energy lamps across the offices;
- Ink Jet Printers with Refillable Ink Tanks have been installed in several outlets and at the office; and
- Implementation of online bet booking for football betting, through the website or at booking terminals (kiosk) placed in a few outlets, further promotes online paperless betting.
- The company recycles most of its paper consumption at its head office through Paper Link Ltd who collects paper waste for recycling.
Future Commitments
The Company is committed to continuously:
- Reduce paper and ink cartridge consumption;
- Consider the factor of energy-efficient when acquiring new equipment;
- Replace fluorescent lamps by low energy LED lamps;
- Continue to add more booking terminals (kiosk) in outlets to reduce paper consumption; and
- Send newsletters by email instead of sending by post thus considerably reduce paper-based newsletters. Clients are encouraged to register to our online newsletter in order to reduce paper consumption.

In line with the dispositions of the current Gambling Regulatory Authority Act which provides for the totality of CSR funds to be remitted to the Gambling Regulatory Authority (the ‘GRA’), the Company has contributed an amount of Rs 2.7 million in 2022 for the setting up of a national responsible gambling program. This program, which is still in process of development, has, as objective, to set the base for responsible gambling and provide professional support to compulsive gamblers. The first part of the program has been implemented in 2018; compulsive gamblers can get free counselling and support for their addiction by calling a toll free number. This number is conspicuously displayed in all our betting outlets.
The Company supports this program and believes that gambling must be a leisure. The Company has signified its commitment to work with the GRA for the implementation of the other phases of the program.